Controlling relays with Home Assistant and ESPHome

I hope that the products recommended here will help you build great projects. Just so you know, if you buy through the links on this page on Amazon or Banggood (among others), RobotsBench may get a small share of the sale (as an Amazon affilate, I earn from qualifying purchases). This helps to keep the … Read moreControlling relays with Home Assistant and ESPHome

ESPHome Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Home Assistant

BME280 with ESP8266

I needed to add a simple temperature and humidify sensor to add to Home Assistant, both for my information and for various automations. At first, I went with the Aqara temperature and humidity sensor, but they were too unreliable with my setup. Even if I can get them to pair, they often will drop after … Read moreESPHome Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Home Assistant

Creating and Ordering a Circuit Board

Temperature logger PCB

I have plans for a small weather station that’s been lying on my hard drive for a while. The basic design includes ESP8266 modules that send data over to a Raspberry Pi base station that logs all that data and can create graphs. I’ve done a good deal of prototyping and breadboarding for the electronics, … Read moreCreating and Ordering a Circuit Board