This blog is here to help you learn to build electronics, robots and other mechatronics projects. I’ll be posting my own projects here, along with some reviews of the tools you’ll need to start building your own projects.
Some of the latest posts

ESPHome Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Home Assistant
I needed to add a simple temperature and humidify sensor to add to Home Assistant, both for my information and for various automations. At first, I went with the Aqara temperature and humidity sensor, but they were too unreliable with my setup. Even if I can get them to pair, they often will drop after…

Custom Arduino Uno shield for growing oyster mushrooms
I’m building an Arduino project to automate growing oyster mushroom in a box. I can’t vouch for the results of growing the mushrooms yet, but the electronics are now complete, so I wanted to do a little writeup on it while it was fresh into my mind. For this project I was aiming to use…

My home automation build with Home Assistant
Over the summer I’ve started automating my home and can’t stop automating! It’s been running for a few months now and I’m pretty satisfied with the result, so it was now the time to share it. What got me started is that here in Quebec, our heat is mostly electrical with baseboards, so one thermostat…

A quick introduction to OpenSCAD for 3D printing
I’ve purchased an Ender 3 Pro 3D printer some time ago, but I only did a few demos prints at the time. I didn’t know where to start designing my own models, so the printer sat there collecting dust. The whole process of learning to model just to create a custom print sounded like a…

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino
To detect objects at a distance in your Arduino projects, the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is a common option. It comes as a board that’s easy to integrate in your projects, and it can be bought for pretty cheap. To learn more about this sensor I built a quick project on a breadboard to test it…

“Creating Your Own Printed Circuit Board At Home” at WTM 2020
It’s been up for a while, but I gave a (virtual) talk at Woman Techmakers Montreal in April 2020 about creating your own circuit board. I wanted to show that creating your own circuit board is not that hard and expensive with KiCad and a good PCB fabrication house. It was not supposed to be…
Who is behind this site?
My name is Cindy and I’m a fullstack web developer with a background in electronics. I’ve started building my own projects again after a pause of many years, and I want to share them with you so we can learn together.
Product reviews
Electronics Tools
All the tools, odds and ends you’ll need to get started building electronics on your own workbench.
When you’re ready to make bigger objects, here are some fun machines to consider to help you build parts.