How to code a Home Assistant automation sun condition
In Home Assistant, an automation is a action that runs one time when a condition is reached. The condition itself is called a trigger. There are many types of trigger available such as: The current time.A time pattern, such as every 5 minutes or every hours.The state of an entity in the system, such a…

My home automation build with Home Assistant
Over the summer I’ve started automating my home and can’t stop automating! It’s been running for a few months now and I’m pretty satisfied with the result, so it was now the time to share it. What got me started is that here in Quebec, our heat is mostly electrical with baseboards, so one thermostat…

How to buy cheap electronic components online
When I first got started in electronics, just getting started was a lot more expensive. Just programming a chip would require a 50$+ dollar USB programmer, and Arduino was still a very new project. A few years after this I heard about eBay as a source of cheap parts and components, and everything had changed!…

Arduino vs Raspberry Pi : Which one should you pick?
The Arduino platform is based on a microcontroller, while the Raspberry Pi is a single board computer. They both have a very large community and may look similar on the surface, but they are very different to work with. Unless you’re really hardcore and want to build a complete circuit board from scratch before even…