ISP programming for Arduino projects in Visual Studio Code
I’ve done a few Arduino projects recently, and I’ve had to spend a bit of time figuring out a good workflow to edit my code in Visual Studio Code instead of Arduino IDE, and then use it to load the code using an ISP (in-circuit programming) header. Why Visual Studio Code? Arduino IDE works for…

Custom Arduino Uno shield for growing oyster mushrooms
I’m building an Arduino project to automate growing oyster mushroom in a box. I can’t vouch for the results of growing the mushrooms yet, but the electronics are now complete, so I wanted to do a little writeup on it while it was fresh into my mind. For this project I was aiming to use…

Can Arduino output 12V, or any other value above 5V?
The quick answer is, not directly. You can draw a limited amount of power from an Arduino board, but it has limits: it’s meant to control the logic of a circuit, not distribute huge amount of power by itself. There are two ways to you use to get 12V of power from the board: If…
How to stop an Arduino program
You may be wondering how to stop an Arduino program that you’ve written, but it’s not a computer that you open to do a task and close once it’s done. Nothing will be broken if you close it on the spot since you’re not handling writing to files and the like. A microcontroller such as…

How much current can I draw from an Arduino Uno?
When planning the power supply for a project a common question is how much current can I draw from an Arduino? The current you can draw depends on where you are drawing it from the board. On the other hand, regardless of where you’re drawing it from, all of the current you draw add up…

How many Arduino shields can be stacked?
Arduino shields are a great way to expand the features of the standard Arduino by adding on new hardware. They are a specific kind of expansion module that are meant to be stacked on top of the Arduino, covering it completely. In most cases, it also exposes the full set of pins from the Arduino,…